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Meaning of ‘average’
12 definitions found.
lacking special distinction, rank, or status
Synonyms: ordinary
around the middle of a scale of evaluation
Example: "an orange of average size"
Synonyms: medium
approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value
Example: "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"
Synonyms: mean
relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values)
Synonyms: median
relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution
Synonyms: modal
lacking exceptional quality or ability
Example: "a novel of average merit"
Synonyms: middling
an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual
Example: "I am about average in height."
a statistic describing the location of a distribution
Synonyms: norm
(sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunities
to compute the average of
Example: "I averaged all the numbers and it looks like we are in the black this month."
Synonyms: average out
to achieve or reach on average
Example: "I averaged a C on my last report card."
to amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain
Example: "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40."
Synonyms: average out
Source: WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University
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